Sunday, October 24, 2010

Why you should move to France

France is the world's most popular tourist destination. 70 million foreign visitors every year to enjoy its wonders. Why not one of them?

And having enjoyed a trip, it is almost certain that you want to make a bigger step: move to France.

1 Diversity

France is one of the most diverse countries in the world. No other country has Continental, mountain, ocean and the Mediterranean climate in such a short distanceeach other. Within a few hours go by train or car, you can use a ski trip in the Alps, the Atlantic ocean beaches, palm trees and turquoise waters of the Mediterranean, beautiful vineyards and the splendor and elegance of shopping in Paris. Every weekend you can be in another country.

As a former empire, but France has one of the largest islands in the Mediterranean, Corsica, a few Caribbean islands, and hundreds of small businesses around the world;He could move, the Indian Ocean or Pacific, and even move to France.

This is probably why the French are 5 weeks of paid vacation per year, so they can enjoy all the activities of their country offers.

2 way of life

Americans work too. Leave the rat race and move to France: they earn too much, enjoy 5 weeks of paid vacation a year, a 35-hour week, a top health system, leaving no one (thebest in the world after the World Health Organization), together with all the conveniences of a modern state: good transport links, high-speed trains to all parts of Europe, wireless Internet access in all bars and world-class culture .

Thanks to this wonderful way of life, the French live long, healthy, and have a stress level lower than the Americans.

3 Culture

France has a rich culture and incredible history. The culturalThe traditions are as varied as the regions of France, Celtic Brittany, Provence Mediterranean, expecting nothing from which the splendor of Paris, one of the most fascinating capitals of the world '. Hundreds of museums, castles, ancient villages and fine wine samples are for you. The culture is in every street corner, and varied enough for everyone.

4 nature

population density of France is very low. In other words, once outLarge cities such as Paris, nature is uncontaminated. You can travel hundreds of miles without seeing construction, meaningless. France has large forests, mountains, lakes, rivers, fields of lavender, thousands of miles of pristine beaches of all kinds, rocky or sandy, Atlantic and Mediterranean. The city also feature parks and trees. It 's always possible to breathe clean air.

5 international environment

Moving to France enabledto stay in touch with the world. In the heart of Europe, France has the largest international airports, with excellent air connections to all parts of the world. Europe's major capitals like London or Berlin are just a train ride from Paris. English is widely spoken, as many tourists. Most real estate agents have at least one of the English language. There is a large population of expatriate British and Americans, so that the social connections easy. Pets are accepted withoutQuarantine. It 's impossible to feel alone, just as it is impossible to be bored.

6 Restaurants

is impossible to speak without mentionning French food. French cuisine is one of the best in the world. World-famous French chef in prices in restaurants across the country. The quality of food is usually excellent in all supermarkets, and it is quite common for shopping at the market with fresh local produce at unbeatable prices, not to mentiondelicious desserts and the bread culture. Last but not least, France produces world class wines in the country, as well as the local production of cheap taste just as good as the fancy bottle.
As soon as you wanted to eat French, you can not go back and you'll miss it wherever you go.

7, the air

There is no atmosphere there are as many French regions. You can just choose which you like best, and it changes every weekend. If you do not likeThe heat, Brittany is a climate of the Pacific Northwest. If the sun, head for the palms on the coast, and enjoy 300 days of sunshine a year. If you love a snowy Christmas, take a family holiday in the Alps. If you like it hot, enjoy the Mediterranean summer. And if you fancy a tropical climate, you can go to France ... and in one of its territories' overseas!

So if the packaging?

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