Wednesday, October 27, 2010

History of Paris France can be traced back to 250 BC

France is a country that is steeped in history and where you turn, you can see the magnificent buildings and monuments centuries in all designed so that they were. first signs of civilization throughout the Paris region of France at around the fourth millennium BC where dug out canoes were found. And long after the time of 250 BC there was a small fishing village on the Seine, which we now know as the Paris and the strategicLocalization of the site to control the river traffic, it is always under a different rule. The Romans took over BC, after the revolt of 52.

overrun by Attila in the region in 451, it was thought that Paris is attacked, but according to legend Sainte Genevieve, which is still the patron saint of today, saved. Clovis commissioned the first cathedral and the first monastery, dedicated to Sainte Genevieve, and was buried in Paris, until his death in 511, near StGenevieve.

It was under the Frankish rule, but the city has been neglected the Empire, and suffered severely from the Vikings, who went up the river again and again to attack him. In 885 the city was facing a massive invasion of the Vikings violence that probably numbered 700 ships and 30,000 men! The great-grandson of Count Odo, was 987 to the King of France, and he again made Paris his capital and founded the Capetian dynasty, which still exists today.

E 'already12. Century that the distinctive character of the neighborhoods began emerging in Paris and the Cathedral of Notre Dame de Paris was in 1163 in the Ile de la Cite Paris area, the center of civic and religious life has been built. Philip Augustus became king in 1180, and under his rule there were a number of important buildings, which were made in Paris. He built a new wall of the city and began construction of the Palais du Louvre, as well as paving roads and creating acovered market of Les Halles. Edward III of England claimed the French throne through his decent, but the French barons had refused, and so began the Hundred Years War and the history of it in the 14th century was due to outbreaks of plague, political violence and insurgency.

The English captured Paris in 1420, but Henry V of England died at the Chateau de Vincennes, near Paris in 1422 and despite the support of Joan of Arc, Charles VII of Franceunsuccessfully tried to repeat the city in 1429. Each Valois monarch, Francois I probably had the greatest influence on Paris, the transformation of the Louvre and establishing a glittering court including people such as Leonardo da Vinci.

King Henry IV made his residence in Paris and embarked on a series of major public works in the city. These included construction of the Pont Neuf, Saint-Louis Hospital, Place des Vosges and Place Dauphine. He also made extensions to the Louvre. Paris wasintellectual and cultural capital of the western world in the second half of the 18th century, when a center of enlightenment and new thinking, which was funded by the State, the mistress of King Louis, Madame de Pompadour, was established to support the intellectual the city and brought the king, striking new monuments.

Paris is the capital of an empire and was a great military power and place in a ceremony at the Cathedral of Notre-Dame in May 1804, Napoleon crownedthe emperor. Russian and Austrian armies invaded France in 1814 and 31 March 1814, fell to the Russians, the power was the first time in 400 years, that of a foreign city was conquered. E 'was restored French back across the city and they continue to grow and expand with the most famous monuments to admire built only with this very short history, with a focus on Paris, the French history is fascinating and there are numerous sites that can stillthe architecture of the past years.

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