Sunday, October 17, 2010

Finding Great Coffee in Paris, France

OK, I admit ... I am a bit 'of a coffee evangelist, someone who loves the taste of good coffee. My background is that I had coffee in many countries around the world, and my favorite is the Italian coffee, made in an espresso machine. Fortunately for me, there is a huge Italian population in Australia and many of us have become experts for plenty of great cafes in Sydney, Melbourne and other cities.

My favorite type of coffee is milk, which is composed of wellstrong Italian coffee, served with thick cream and a little hot 'foam.

What I hear you ask? "Have you ever been unhappy with some coffee?"

Yes, I sent tasteless lukewarm coffee in the cafes. This does not mean that I am a coffee snob, it just means that it can be a bit 'of coffee in my coffee if you know what I mean :-)

When I was visiting Paris, France recently, I knew I needed to see some good coffee. I lived in Paris and visited many times, and theFrench are known for their coffee. Or milk. My experiences on this trip brought back a vivid memory of when I lived there ... bar serving coffee that tasted of tar, and the milk is almost always the UHT milk - milk that needs no refrigeration, and a smell that is hard to describe.

So - the research! I arrived in Paris and found the nearest [internet cafe what would we do without the Internet? I shudder to think ...]

I found a couple ofthe potential that coffee sounds good, my first adventure was to head and want to experience the taste.

=== Cafe Kimbo de Napoli - 5 Place du Ternes, 75017 Paris ===

One of my friends in Paris [Gabriel] had found out the name of this restaurant from the bus on the way to work. He had an Italian name, so we held high hopes that it may be a small oasis in the other cafes in the neighborhood. We met in a late afternoon, and I immediatelyfound out the name of the cafe squeezed tightly between some shops. I walked into the coffee lot ', with beautiful dark wooden walls and was a wonderful woman with a big smile that welcomes all our questions demanding answers.

"They have real Italian coffee?"

"It 's Arabic?"

"Are you strong?"

"Use fresh milk?"

"Have you ever heard of a latte?"

The woman at the cafe said: "Yes!" for all ourThe questions with the utmost patience, and Gabrielle and I kicked the wall as a new puppy and happy, hoping that the first good strong Italian bar in Paris. The wait was worth it - the coffee was excellent! I recommend this coffee.

Taste: Strong Italian espresso made with a genuine Italian espresso machine. Milk: fresh milk, steamed to perfection! Quality: milk thick and creamy - decided delicious.

We drank too much coffee in our firstsit down, but we were so excited we were addicted to savor the taste and had "only a cup" to hold.

A couple of days I decided to check out this cafe any more, my adventures in France to find the best coffee in Paris.

=== Malongo Café - 50 rue St Andre des Arts, 75006 Paris ===

I found Cafe Malongo mentioned anywhere, so I took the metro to St. Michel, was walking along the beautiful Rue Saint André des Arts and joinedMalongo glass doors wide. Wow! What a great coffee! I was overwhelmed by the size of the cafeteria and enthusiastic of all the sections where I can sit and read the paper, some people had laptops connected, all were enjoying coffee in a great atmosphere with easy listening music in the background.

You can most coffee cakes and biscuits, but no sandwiches or lunch-type food is available.

My milk was served in a glass of whiskey and soda, has beenwell presented, and the staff efficient and very friendly.

Taste: different types of coffee in the area every day. I tried to ask one, then a "strong" for my neighbor.

MLK: fresh milk, steamed.

Quality: The milk was creamy quality that I adore, but it was nice.

My adventure was worth it? Absolutely! Since I have several places I like, find out more and I want to share with you to write.

A bientot! See you soon!


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