Saturday, October 9, 2010

Analysis and comment - Juggler of Our Lady "(Anatole France)

Let us analyze the work of Anatole France, in terms of defense mechanisms in psychology:

Background of the author. Anatole France is a son of a bookseller in Paris. His life was a constant controversy. His stance against the Church and the State had ironic and bitter, when he was raised in a religious school. And while his unconventional novels have attacked Christian institutions in the depths of his heart as the heart of every person to be in - Francehad faith in God Almighty and innate goodness of man.

Analysis: Anatole France is identified with his hero Barnabas (Madonna Juggler), using the following argument:

1. Repression. Your subconscious mind has forced him to write against the religious norms, as a result of his anger against the church and traditional Christian institutions. The story was clear that Barnabas has suffered in silence.

2. Compensation - Barnabas complained about his ignorance.Make-up, he settled for something less. He could compose and sing in Latin, but he handled and performed tricks to offer, they got the attention of the Virgin. In real life, France experienced a deep sense of insecurity in the church / heads of state, and then writes you choose.

3. Rituals. Barnabas life 'was not complete without rituals. In fact, he always prayed so hard. Like the rest who had their faith even though it was a simple man. Franceeveryone wanted to know that faith and belief in God is a gift from both rich and poor, educated and uneducated.

4. Evasion. Barnabas is lost in the juggling. In history, the monks thought that losing his mind. I realized that I was happy as she was the activity. He felt completely at juggling. Perhaps, in reality, he escapes into another world going to feel that he is the best.

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