Sunday, September 26, 2010

Doing Business with France: Tips for Women

"Let me give you an example of what life is like for foreigners in Paris. I was in Paris on business. I had my wallet in my pocket and my pocket was chosen. Fortunately, I had some money in Case and my other credit card from the USA went to the bank, which was aligned with my bank at home and my bank card in the device. The board did not come out. Being caught or anything. I went with my best French I asked the bank to get me backmy ATM card from the device. They asked me for ID. I said it was stolen, I have no ID on me. The bank employee said back to me in French, you can not help you until you have ID. After some dialogue, and much frustration, I jumped in a cab back to my hotel to see my passport, then I go back to the bank and get money before it was too late to get. I gave the taxi driver, the name of my hotel, again in my best French, and he said, "Get out and go, the unitis not long enough. "After much discussion, he took me to the hotel where I went to my room key that you must obtain leave from the front lobby on the way to the hall manager said before me." Where is your ID keys? Or I was very frustrated right now, but said in my best French that the ID was in my room as
My wallet was stolen. After much debating, they took me to my room to see my ID to prove who I was. Then I went to the bank. I showed my bankID and then asked for my credit card. They gave it back to me and said. "We do not accept credit cards here," I said, why did not you say that before, and she said, "But we did not know who he was." Very frustrating. Only in Paris, see this absolute arrogance! (Atherton)

French Culture

The French are determined as people preserve their heritage of art, culture and history. I am very proud of their culture, and Americans often interpret this as a prideThe arrogance and attitude. Most of the French believe that their history, culture and their language more than any other country in Europe the value. For many centuries were the dominant culture and language in Europe, and still find themselves as a class. The French and Americans are often described as two individualistic cultures. However, our views of individualism are very different. For the French, is the uniqueness and competence of personssets them apart. A French man is working very well and competing with colleagues. In most cases, the protection of labor law employee, who is openly expressed, so it's not much of a problem as in SU The French are less inclined to work the team will work together. For Americans, individualism as self-sufficiency, which is considered to be achieved by individuals hard work, personal successes and achievements. An American may see themselves as individualsbecause it achieves its objectives, their way. "In a corporate environment, this could mean that teams reach their individual goals to work and become a team player when necessary. And 'less likely than their French counterparts for their individuality in the work setting to express.

The French are a friendly culture, but their humor tends to be more sarcastic that Americans are accustomed. Some women say that the French are almost sardonic or cutting at times.The Americans generally prefer to make friends and people you may meet because it opens the way for a good business relationship. The French do not. It is important to them. Americans agree that people work and how that's how you win the recognition of our work. The French agree with almost better not because it is much more interesting, and perhaps, as they are discovered. Where the Americans prefer the consistency and predictability,anything French contradictions. It is a challenge.

The Americans are very service oriented. Title observe, see benefits, and tend to be people who say what we have achieved, why it is important to our society. We tend to measure one another in this way. The French are not as accepting the title, hits, etc. You see the person in respect of the personality, integrity, character, and the search for inner qualities as they seem much deeper than thisTraits. The French are more formal than Americans and they seem more reserved. They are much more sensitive about their culture to us about ours. They are obsessed with their true identity, while the Americans more tolerant of differences arising from a melting pot of society. I am particularly obsessed with preserving the French language, and whether your pronunciation, if not good, can not answer. The French are much more controversial and hardThe Americans in the debate a point.

Parlez-Vous France?

"I had the opportunity offered by my company to attend the American financial operations in our European subsidiaries. I had the choice of location in Paris or Brussels, so I went to Europe to see where I wanted to stay. I at first thought that I'd stay in Paris. I was hoping to learn the language, see the museums and culture absorbent. Paris was more than tempting Brussels. If I were aBusiness meeting in Paris, but I felt very uncomfortable in most cases, because I did not speak French. This was a new offer, and I was sure that the courses of the plan, once it has been adjusted, wherever I went. However, despite the fact that this was a subsidiary of a U.S. company, was to attend all meetings and dialogue French corridor. That was good, only that I should take an active part of the session. Occasionally, someone would see me sittingthere with a blank look on my face, and then combines them much of what was said in English to me. It was obvious that they are not very happy. Later this week I went to Brussels. The entire reception was much warmer, and people always spoke English in my name. This has included me in every conversation. So finally I decided to live in Brussels and to visit in Paris at the weekend. "(Expatriate Cost of living in Brussels)

Women in management

In 1991, the percentage of womenin employment was 43%, with 72% percent of women aged 25Ð49. In 1988 52% of employed women were employed in services, agriculture 35% and 24% in industry. The unemployment rate in March 1992 8% for men and 13% of all women and 26% for women aged 15Ð24. The key point of change for working women in France in 1968, after the Cultural Revolution. Young women began to argue that they wanted
Job opportunities as men. L 'Most French women full-time jobs. 24%, France has the lowest rate of part-time workers in Western Europe. (1)
The French women say they have come a long way, equally treated in the economy, but not for the U.S. men French women say that American women are more sensitive to gender and sexual harassment and wonder what all the fuss is.

The birth rate in France is low, at a rate of 1.8 children per family. (1)French have a system of subsidized kindergartens or nursery schools and nursery scheme, which helps continuous full-time job. The school calendar is synchronized with the working hours. This is a two-hour lunch from 11.30 bis 01.30 clock, so that the child is with the family for lunch or dinner in the nursery can be arranged. There is also an after-hours baby-sitting. There are not enough day care centers to provide services to all working parents, there is a parental controlLeave, leaving a choice of two years or part-time work entails. Women can leave 16-18 weeks of paid maternity leave with a guarantee of further employment. An employer can not fire a woman because of pregnancy.
As socialized medicine and clothing companies that allow working women without children are the loss of seniority of employment. For example, a manager of the company would be willing to pay up to 2 years to complete after the birth of their baby, and could return to work part-timeTime without losing their jobs. No wonder French women seem more on motherhood, the American women who are part of two-income households should be relaxed with respect, and who could only get the maternity leave of four weeks. (Raleigh)

Women represent about 20% of students in universities. Until recently they were a minority in business, science, engineering and other disciplines, much appreciated. Women represent 50% of students in business schools. (1)

Since 1981, the FrenchMinistry supported the admission of women in nontraditional jobs. In 1987, only 37% of participants in training sessions. In 1987 women earned on average 24% less than men. Between 1975 and 1984 Serdjenian observed relationship between the male and female experience in a similar position in a high-tech. The study included 3,500 women, of whom 350 are officers. The study showed that women were both financial assets and staff at work, he felt theall, that their careers less secure than men. The women reported reluctance of comments and compliments on her looks and comments, which concerned how their behavior differently from men. Their preference was to be recognized for their abilities. Women have expressed dissatisfaction with the comments of the men who emphasizes their maternal duties to interpret, as a way to remind them of their rightful place in the hierarchy. Highly qualifiedAuthors of the study, commented that the legislative support for women to care for sick children take their non-availability increased, and thus an inhibitor of career. The study showed that the two women's career strategies are used: the staff as assistant to the male decision-makers or pursue a more traditional male jobs. The study showed that if women are choosing careers as men, has rarely received the same career opportunities. The path to top management, includingMovement of up to eight times in a career, the obstacles for families with two working parents created. short-term missions were sponsored by the company. The women are charged internally by the company when trying to increase his reputation as a major institution. The women were not seen as leaders spontaneously and were not given access to information needed to make wise career decisions. (1)

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