Monday, August 30, 2010

Marseille - the oldest city in France

Marseille is the oldest city in France. It 's the second largest city in France after Paris. Ranked the third city after Paris and Lyon. This city is the beach on the Mediterranean coast, and is the largest seaport of France. Marseilles is the capital of Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur and the Bouches-du-Rhône. People live in this area are called asMarseilles.


Marseille's economy is mainly dependent on its seaports. The old port, which was also known as Old Port, the modern era, the largest port (Port de la Joliette), replaced a few years ago. Today, this new port is an important trading port and container transport in the Mediterranean. Manages about 100 million tonnes of cargo per year.

This fisheries sector is an important activity for people's lives. Fish and food industrymainly dominated by the local population.

There is a large-scale unemployment in this part of the country. The youth unemployment rate can be as high as 40%. In addition to the port of growth of other sectors such as shipbuilding, oil refining are the main industries here, but the chemicals, soap, glass, sugar, building materials, plastics, textiles, olive oil, and processed food industries are also developed here. A pipeline will also be established for the transport of petroleum productsParis.


The city has many museums and galleries, which are of historical interest.

The Old Port (Vieux-Port) was the main port city. There will be two major Fort (Fort St. Nicolas Fort Saint Jean and guarded) and eat one of the most popular.

Phare de Sainte Marie: There is a lighthouse in the old port.

La Vieille Charité: There is a significant building in the central courtyard baroque dome seatingGalleries.

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